Aims / Main Objects:
1. To establish, run, supervise, co-ordinate, affiliate, guide, aid within the areas of Villivakkam and other adjacent areas a “Scholarship” program to provide financial assistance for the poorest among poor of the Student Community who excel in their Secondary & Higher Secondary Board Examinations.
2. To establish, run, supervise, co-ordinate, affiliate, guide aid in India or anywhere else on charitable basis any educational institution to provide or impart any technical / managerial skill that the association deem fit.
3. To grant stipends, scholarships, studentships and other allowances, concessions or gratuities to deserving and / or financially poor students and candidates pursuing Higher education.
4. To provide monetary help to poor persons including help in case of illness in the family or otherwise rendering free medical aid to poor persons.
5. To honor any scholar / senior citizen who actively contribute to the society in the areas of Education or Arts or Science or Sports.
6. To conduct or initiate any program either on its own or jointly with any other institution or association or entity any academic / professional / vocational training programs or for any employment oriented training.
7. To organize various activities in the field of medical care, medical research, health education.
8. To take various steps and establish centers as necessary with a view to arresting the population growth and undertake various family planning and welfare activities with special reference to mother child care.
9. To afford relief and support to those affected by natural calamities and for poorer sections of the association.
10. To take concrete steps to eradicate social evils by means of organizing seminars, studies, discussions etc., and to publish suitable literature highlighting the advantages of the social virtues and to a view to educate the masses generally by propagating the right ideals.
11. To undertake various activities that will arouse and develop the feeling of unity and affinity amongst the various sections of the society and to publish such literature, books, pamphlets etc., and or assist to in publication of those books which encourage the growth of national unity and integrity.
12. To organize cultural programs, seminars, symposium, group discussion, exhibition etc. for the furtherance of the objective mentioned herein above.
13. To maintain co-ordination, cooperation with other voluntary, socio-culture and charitable organization having similar aims and objectives.
14. To do any other act of charity to achieve the aims and objectives of the association.

Ancillary Objects:
With a view to attain the above objects or any or some of them, the Members may do or allow to do any of the following acts and deeds:
1. To solicit, abstain or accept offerings, subscriptions, donations, grants, gifts, devices and requests from settler or any other person, firm, company, corporation, society or institution in India or abroad interested in any of objects of the association either in cash, security, investments etc., or in the form of any movable and immovable property towards the corpus of the association or towards its activities or works.
2. To corporate, collaborate and enter into such agreements with trust, societies, associations, institutions and any other bodies whether national or international, that may help in the pursuance of all or any of the objects of the association.
3. To acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease or otherwise howsoever any lands, buildings, apartments, rights ;of common play grounds, parks and property movable and immovable and any estate or interest for the furtherance of all or any of the objects of the association.
4. To build construct and maintain buildings, hostels, houses, other buildings or any other immovable property belonging to or held by the association and alter, extend, improve, repair, enlarge or modify the same including any existing buildings and to provide and equip the same with light, water, drainage, furniture, fittings, instruments, apparatus and appliances and all other necessities for the use to which such buildings are to be put up or held.
5. To sell, mortgage, let, lease, exchange, gift and otherwise transfer or dispose of deal with all or any property movable or immovable of the association for the furtherance of the objects of the association.
6. To give remuneration, pension or gratuities to teachers, staff and other employees and to make payments towards insurance and to form and contribute to provident and other funds for the benefit of the person employed by the association.
7. To borrow and raise money without security or on the security or mortgage, charge or hypothecation or pledge over all or any of the immovable or movable properties belonging to the association or in any other manner whatsoever from any bank, financial institution. Corporate body or any other person for the furtherance of the objects of the association.
8. To pay out of the funds of the association or out of any particular part of such funds all types of money borrowed, all expenses of or incidental to the formation of the association and towards management and administration of any of the foregoing objects and activities including all rents, rates, taxes, outgoing and the salaries of the employees etc.
9. To invest and deal with any money of the association not immediately required for any of its objects in such ;manners as may be thought fit and proper by the members from time to time provided that it should be allowable in law.
10. To appoint bankers and to draw, accept, endorse and discount cheques, notes and other negotiable instruments.
11. To undertake and accept the management of any endowment or association fund or donation.
12. To join corporate or amalgamate this association with other or others having kindled or allied objects, upon such terms and conditions as the members may in their discretion think fit, particularly having similar nature & objects.
13. To take over or amalgamate with any other charitable association, society or institution with similar objects.
14. To do all non political, legal and peaceful acts and undertake other activities which may help to promote the objects of the association ad are incidental and conducive to the attainment of any of the objects of the association.

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